eBook: Among You: The Extraordinary True Story of a Soldier Broken by War (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Jake Wood 
分類: Biography: historical, political & military ,
Asian history ,
Postwar 20th century history, from c 1945 to c 2000 ,
Military history ,
Iraq War ,
Battles & campaigns ,
Military life & institutions ,
Military veterans ,
c 2000 to c 2010 ,
Iraq ,
書城編號: 22808304

售價: $117.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Mainstream Publishing
出版日期: 2013/01/17
頁數: 448
ISBN: 9781780577197
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Among You is the gripping real-life story of a soldier serving on the front line in Iraq and Afghanistan, and an unforgettable, unflinching account of the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder.Jake Wood lives parallel lives: encased in the glass tower of an international investment bank by day, he is also a dedicated TA soldier who serves on the front line during the invasion of Iraq, later returning to the war zone to conduct surveillance on insurgents. Disillusioned with the dullness and amorality of the banking world, he escapes back to the army for a third tour of duty. But in Afghanistan he discovers the savage, dehumanising effects that war has on both the body and the mind. Diagnosed with chronic PTSD on his return, he must now fight the last enemy himself in order to exorcise the ghosts of his past.Brutally honest and beautifully written, Among You brings home the harsh reality of front-line combat in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the courage of the troops who risk their lives for their country, as well as revealing the devastating after-effects of service.
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eBook: Among You: The Extraordinary True Story of a Soldier Broken by War (DRM EPUB)

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