eBook: Oh, Hampden in the Sun . . . (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Pat Woods, Peter Burns 
分類: Sporting events & management ,
Football (Soccer, Association football) ,
c 1945 to c 1960 ,
書城編號: 22808356

售價: $104.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Mainstream Publishing
出版日期: 2013/03/01
頁數: 224
ISBN: 9781780578002

Celtic's astonishing 7-1 victory over arch-rivals Rangers in the 1957 Scottish League Cup final brought the club its last major trophy prior to the appointment of Jock Stein as manager in 1965 and the glory years which followed. The triumph was the final major success achieved by such famous Celtic stars of the '50s as Charlie Tully, Neil Mochan, Willie Fernie, Bobby Evans, Bertie Peacock, Sean Fallon and Bobby Collins. Oh, Hampden in the Sun . . . not only tells the story of that remarkable game - which still stands as the most emphatic victory in a national cup final in Britain - but also commemorates Celtic, their players and supporters, viewed in the social context of life in the West of Scotland 40 years ago. This book explores both the romance and the reality of Celtic and the club's supporters in that era through extensive interviews with players and fans, supplemented by much original research. The mystery of the missing television film of the 7-1 match in finally solved, and Celtic fans will be able to revel in a mass of anecdotes and reminiscences surrounding one of the greatest moments in their history and in indelible part of the club's folklore.

Peter Burns 作者作品表

Rugby World Cup 101 (Paperback)

eBook: Rugby World Cup 101 (DRM EPUB)

Scottish Rugby 101 (Paperback)

eBook: Scottish Rugby 101: A Pocket Guide in 101 Moments, Stats, Characters and Games (DRM EPUB)

Behind the Ryder Cup (Hardcover)

Behind the Thistle (Paperback)

eBook: How to Read the Heart Line (DRM EPUB)

White Gold (Hardcover)

Tourism and Visual Culture (Hardcover)

Tourism and Politics (Hardcover)

eBook: Introduction to Tourism and Anthropology (DRM PDF)

eBook: Introduction to Tourism and Anthropology (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Introduction to Tourism and Anthropology (DRM PDF)

An Introduction to Tourism and Anthropology (Hardcover)




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