eBook: Elizabeth II: Behind Palace Doors (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Nicholas Davies 
分類: Biography: royalty ,
General & world history ,
British & Irish history ,
20th century history: c 1900 to c 2000 ,
Genealogy, heraldry, names & honours ,
United Kingdom, Great Britain  
書城編號: 22808372

售價: $130.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Mainstream Publishing
出版日期: 2013/05/24
頁數: 448
ISBN: 9781780578279

A remarkable biography of Queen Elizabeth II, Elizabeth: Behind Palace Doors, contains secrets of the royal family never previously published in this country. The lives of the Queen, Prince Philip and their children are examined and exposed in detail to reveal the Windsor family's disturbing history of adultery, jealousy and mental cruelty. Award-winning journalist Nicholas Davies examines the mood, the ambitions and the forebodings of the Queen at the start of the new millennium. He gives us, too, an insight into the harsh reality of the relationship between the Queen and her husband.Elizabeth: Behind Closed Doors also investigates the early years of Charles, Anne, Andrew and Edward, covering their relationships with their parents and their own various love affairs, marriages, separations and divorces. The marriage of Charles and Diana is scrutinised to reveal the principle reason for their marital breakdown.For more than a decade the supporting cast of royals stole the limelight as their marriages fell apart in acrimony; but now, with nearly 50 years on the throne and her children more settled, the Queen is returning to centre stage. This compelling book looks at Elizabeth II's plans for her own future as she wrestles with the uncertainty of what lies ahead for the House of Windsor.
Nicholas Davies 作者作品表

Glitch (gay story) (Paperback)

my crush in the school (gay story) (Paperback)

My favorite star (Paperback)

Mafia and the Golden Girl (Paperback)

Mafia King (Paperback)

eBook: William: The Inside Story of the Man Who Will Be King (DRM EPUB)

Death Before Dishonour (Paperback)

Death Before Dishonour (Paperback)

eBook: Elizabeth II: Behind Palace Doors (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Death Before Dishonour - True Stories of The Special Forces Heroes Who Fight Global Terror (DRM EPUB)

The Terminators (Hardcover)

eBook: Dead Men Talking: Collusion, Cover-Up and Murder in Northern Ireland's Dirty War (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Ten-Thirty-Three: The Inside Story of Britain's Secret Killing Machine in Northern Ireland (DRM EPUB)

Diana the Killing of a Princess (Paperback)

Ten-Thirty-Three: The Inside Story of Britain's Secret Killing Machine in Northern Ireland (Paperback)

A Deadly Kind of Love (Paperback)

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