eBook: Taming the Tiger Parent: How to put your child's well-being first in a competitive world (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Tanith Carey 
分類: Advice on parenting ,
Advice on education  
書城編號: 22815763

售價: $143.00

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製造商: Little, Brown Book Group
出版日期: 2014/09/18
ISBN: 9781845285647
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Mozart in the womb, Baby Einstein DVD's for newborns and i-pad learning apps for toddlers. From the moment the umbilical cord is cut, today's parents feel trapped in a never-ending race to ensure their child is the brightest and the best. But while it's completely natural for us to want our kids to reach their potential, at what point does too much competition become damaging?With constant testing in schools also raising the stakes, how can we tell when hot-housing children is actually doing more harm than good? In this ground-breaking and provocative book, award-winning journalist and parenting author Tanith Carey presents the latest research on what this contest is doing to the next generation. She explains why, far from making our children more go-getting and successful, it can back-fire with life-long repercussions, damage their emotional well-being and fracture their relationships with the very people who love them most: their parents.In this essential manual for today's modern parent, Tanith offers parents practical, realistic solutions that will give them permission to take their foot off the gas and reclaim a more relaxed family life. Packed with insights, experts' tips, real experiences and resources, this book is a timely guide to safeguarding your child's well-being in a competitive world - so they can grow into the happy, emotionally balanced people they really need to be.'I've hardly been able to put the book down . . . as I turned each page I'd find something else that resonated with me. . . Tanith has the ability to challenge your thinking without it being judgmental or preachy. She shares lots of real life case studies and draws on her own experience as a parent and combines this with solid research to make a really readable book. mummyfromtheheart'An impassioned book appealing to other parents to rethink all the relentless competitiveness - before it's too late.' Psychologies 'A highly readable, well-balanced, well-argued contribution to the rapidly-growing mountain of parenting books, with plenty of practical, achievable advice for anyone who wants to escape from the tiger race.' Sue Palmer, author of Toxic Childhood 'A fantastic new book by Tanith Carey which gives children back their childhood.' Dr David Whitebread, Senior Lecturer in Psychology of Education at Cambridge University
Tanith Carey 作者作品表

What's My Tween Thinking?: Practical Child Psychology for Modern Parents (Paperback)

What's My Tween Thinking?: Practical Child Psychology for Modern Parents (Paperback)

eBook: Feeling 'Blah'?: Why Anhedonia Has Left You Joyless and How to Recapture Life's Highs (DRM EPUB)

What's My Teenager Thinking? (Paperback)

eBook: Friendship Maze: How to Help Your Child Navigate Their Way to Positive and Happier Friendships (DRM EPUB)

What's My Child Thinking? (Paperback)

Friendship Maze (Paperback)

Girls, Uninterrupted (Paperback)

Mum Hacks (Paperback)

eBook: Mum Hacks: Time-saving tips to calm the chaos of family life (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Taming the Tiger Parent: How to put your child's well-being first in a competitive world (DRM EPUB)

Taming the Tiger Parent (Paperback)

Where Has My Little Girl Gone? (Paperback)

Never Kiss a Man in a Canoe (Hardcover)

Feeling 'Blah'?: Why Anhedonia Has Left You Joyless and How to Recapture Life's Highs (Paperback)

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