eBook: How to Reason (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Richard L. Epstein, Alex Raffi 
分類: Speaking / pronunciation skills ,
Philosophy: logic  
書城編號: 22821648

售價: $92.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Advanced Reasoning Forum
出版日期: 2019/02/05
ISBN: 9781938421396

Too often we're guided by what we last heard, by our friends' approval, by impulse-our desires, our fears. Without reflection. Without even stopping to think. In this book you'll learn how to reason and find your way better in life. You'll learn to see the consequences of what you and others say and do. You'll learn to see the assumptions that you and others make. You'll learn how to judge what you should believe. These are the skills we all need to make good decisions. Illustrations using a cast of cartoon characters make the concepts memorable. And many exercises will help you to check your understanding. Truly a book for all-from high school to graduate school, from auto repair to managing a company. "How to Reason" will help you find a way in life that is clearer and not buffetted by the winds of nonsense and fear.
Richard L. Epstein 作者作品表

Reasoning about the World as the Flow of All (Paperback)

eBook: Time and Space in Formal Logic (DRM PDF)

Time and Space in Formal Logic (Paperback)

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