eBook: Drive-In 3: The Bus Tour (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Joe R. Lansdale 
系列: The Drive-In
分類: Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)  
書城編號: 22822615

售價: $130.00

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製造商: Bookvoice Publishing
出版日期: 2020/01/14
頁數: 150
ISBN: 9781949381184

THE DRIVE-IN 3: The Bus TourJoe R. LansdaleSynopsis from THE COMPLETE DRIVE-IN:The end of the 1980s. Drive-in movie culture is mostly dead with one significant exception: THE ORBIT DRIVE-IN. A drive-in theater so large it houses multiple stories-high screens that fill the sky, and can hold four thousand cars and all the people who can squeeze in them. It's a lit city that fills to the brim on Friday nights, crowds gather for the Dusk-to-Dawn Horror Shows. Horns honk, BBQ grills sizzle, people yell and act the fool, ready for the marathon of one low-budget horror film after another. But then suddenly the world changes in front of their eyes, not on the screens. A comet, red and smiling with jagged teeth, flashes across the sky. People try to leave but find they are trapped by some acidic goo surrounding the entire drive-in. They grow hungry, homicidal and suicidal. Then along comes the Popcorn King, a jiving, rhyming creature formed by blue-white lightning, with four arms and a popcorn bucket on its head. A monster as strange and dangerous and mesmerizing as the creatures and villains on the screens. It offers the starving masses food, but there's always a price to pay for survival. And THEN things start to get wicked
The Drive-In

eBook: Drive-In: A B-Movie with Blood and Popcorn, Made in Texas (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Drive-In 2: Not Just One of Them Sequels (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Drive-In 3: The Bus Tour (DRM EPUB)

Joe R. Lansdale 作者作品表

Christmas with the Dead (Mass Market Paperbound)

Sugar on the Bones (Hardcover)

The Unlikely Affair of the Crawling Razor (Hardcover)

Y'All Ain't Right: Southern Extreme Horror (Paperback)

Incident on and off a Mountain Road (Hardcover)

The Senior Girls Bayonet Drill Team and Other Stories (Hardcover)

Road Kill: Texas Horror by Texas Writers Vol. 8 (Paperback)

Things Get Ugly: The Best Crime Fiction of Joe R. Lansdale (Paperback)

A Fine Dark Line (MP3 CD)

A Fine Dark Line (Compact Disc)

Freezer Burn (Compact Disc)

The Big Blow (Compact Disc)

The Big Blow (MP3 CD)

Freezer Burn (MP3 CD)

Jane Goes North (Paperback)

The Donut Legion (Compact Disc)

The Donut Legion (Hardcover)

The Nightrunners (Compact Disc)

The Nightrunners (MP3 CD)

The Bottoms (MP3 CD)

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