The Word Made Flesh: The Language of Jesus in His Stories and Prayers
作者: 畢德生 (Eugene H. Peterson) 
書城編號: 228228

原價: HK$192.00
現售: HK$182.4 節省: HK$9.6

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出版社: Hodder & Stoughton
出版日期: 2008/10
頁數: 304
ISBN: 9780340863909

Book four of Eugene Peterson's landmark SPIRITUAL THEOLOGY series: foundational reading for the twenty-first-century church.

Continuing Peterson's evaluation of contemporary Christian Spirituality, THE WORD MADE FLESH is an extended meditation on language and the way it should be used in Christian community.

As with the first three books in the series, THE WORD MADE FLESH is written for both lay and academic audiences. Challenging but deeply rewarding, it combines scholarship with the human experience and lightness of touch for which Peterson is known.
畢德生 (Eugene H. Peterson) 作者作品表

The Message: With Topical Concordance

The Word Made Flesh: The Language of Jesus in His Stories and Prayers

The Invitation: A Simple Guide to the Bible

童來靈修聖經 (2019再版)




Conversations: The Message Bible with its Translator

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