eBook: Waterfront Wedding: A Heart's Landing Novel from Hallmark Publishing (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Leigh Duncan 
系列: A Heart's Landing Novel from Hallmark Pu
書城編號: 22822901

售價: $84.00

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製造商: Hallmark Publishing
出版日期: 2021/04/20
頁數: 280
ISBN: 9781952210150

It's the wedding of the year But who will get to host it?In Heart's Landing, Evelyn wants to prove she's a good manager of the Captain's Cottage by the baya favorite place for weddings. Meanwhile, Ryan has invested his life savings to remodel the town's old boatworks into a brand-new wedding venue. When a Marine and his bride win the Wedding in a Week contest, they have seven days to put together a romantic, all-expenses-paid event. It'll be written up in Weddings Today magazine. But will they choose Evelyn's cottage or Ryan's boatworks? The rival business owners cozy up to the bride and groom, helping them plan their military wedding. And even though Evelyn and Ryan both grew up in Heart's Landing, they learn they never truly knew each other until now. But can they trust each other when only one of them can win? This sweet, heartwarming romance includes a free Hallmark original recipe.
A Heart's Landing Novel from Hallmark Pu
Leigh Duncan 作者作品表

eBook: Waterfront Wedding: A Heart's Landing Novel from Hallmark Publishing (DRM EPUB)

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