Bright Minds, Poor Grades: Understanding and Motivating your Underachieving Child
作者: Michael D. Whitley 
書城編號: 228318

原價: HK$240.00
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出版社: Perigee Trade
出版日期: 2001/07/01
頁數: 320
重量: 0.27 kg
ISBN: 9780399527050
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For any parent who has ever been told, "your child isn't performing up to his or her potential," this book has the answer. Renowned clinical psychologist Michael Whitley, Ph.D. offers a proven ten-step program to motivate underachieving children. This easy-to follow book identifies the six types of underachievers from the procrastinator to the hidden perfectionist to the con artist, and it presents the ten steps to help children succeed in school-and ultimately, in life.
Michael D. Whitley 作者作品表


Bright Minds, Poor Grades: Understanding and Motivating your Underachieving Child

eBook: Bright Minds, Poor Grades (DRM EPUB)

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