SAP S/4hana Business Process Integration Certification Guide: Application Associate Exam (Paperback)
作者: Murat Adivar 
書城編號: 23081419

原價: HK$800.00
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出版社: Sap Pr
出版日期: 2021/07/22
重量: 1.1 kg
ISBN: 9781493220670


Preparing for your SAP S/4HANA business process integration exam? Make the grade with this certification study guide to C_TS410! From financial accounting to warehouse management, this guide will review the key technical and functional knowledge you need to exceed the cut score. Explore test methodology, key concepts for each topic area, and practice questions and answers. Your path to C_TS410 certification begins here!

In this book, you'll learn about:

a. The Test
Get ready for test day! This guide follows the exact structure of the exam, so align your study of SAP S/4HANA business process integration with the test objectives and walk through the topics covered in C_TS410_2020.

b. Core Content
Review major subject areas like financial accounting, source-to-pay processing, and human experience management. Then master important terminology and key takeaways for each subject.

c. Q&A
After reviewing each chapter, solidify your knowledge with questions and answers for each section and improve your test-taking skills.

Highlights Include:

1) Exams C_TS410_2020
2) Financial and management accounting
3) Source-to-pay processing
4) Lead-to-cash processing
5) Design-to-operate processing
6) Procurement
7) Supply chain
8) Production planning
9) Enterprise asset management
10) Warehouse management
11) Project systems
12) Human experience management

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