Literal LIFE Lessons (Paperback)
作者: Sandra Nelms-Ludwig 
書城編號: 23085447

原價: HK$135.00
現售: HK$128.25 節省: HK$6.75

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出版社: Two Harbors
出版日期: 2021/08/07
重量: 0.19 kg
ISBN: 9781662821554

Literal Life Lessons is a collection of poems capturing the tender, hauntingly human frailties of the poet and the persons she has observed over the years. The poems draw the reader into real life, familiar experiences and into thought-provoking realizations. Nothing is spared in depicting the underbelly and vulnerabilities of humanity. Author's Bio Mother, veteran, former interpretative national park ranger, retired educator, poet and activist, Sandra Nelms-Ludwig was born and raised in rural Bedford County, Virginia, nestled beneath the Blue Ridge Mountains. She began writing poetry at age 12 and has performed in numerous poetry slams and open mics both in Germany and America. Her poetry has appeared in two chapbooks, Litspeak at Hollins University in 1994 and Mouth Music at Big Island, Virginia, in 1997. This collection is her first book of poetry to be published and is a sampling of her writing from over the past 50 years. She presently resides with her Cocker Spaniel, Sir Duke, in Virginia.
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