Conspiracy Theories and the Failure of Intellectual Critique (Hardcover)
作者: Kurtis Hagen 
分類: Philosophy ,
Conspiracy theories  
書城編號: 23140228

售價: $900.00

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出版社: Univ Of Michigan Pr
出版日期: 2022/08/02
ISBN: 9780472133109


Conspiracy Theories and the Failure of Intellectual Critique argues that conspiracy theories, including those that conflict with official accounts and suggest that prominent people in Western democracies have engaged in appalling behavior, should be taken seriously and judged on their merits and problems on a case-by-case basis. It builds on the philosophical work on this topic that has developed over the past quarter century, challenging some of it, but affirming the emerging consensus: each conspiracy theory ought to be judged on its particular merits and faults.

The philosophical consensus contrasts starkly with what one finds in the social science literature. Kurtis Hagen argues that significant aspects of that literature, especially the psychological study of conspiracy theorists, has turned out to be flawed and misleading. Those flaws are not randomly directed; rather, they consistently serve to disparage conspiracy theorists unfairly. This suggests that there may be a bias against conspiracy theorists in the academy, skewing "scientific" results. Conspiracy Theories and the Failure of Intellectual Critique argues that social scientists who study conspiracy theories and/or conspiracy theorists would do well to better absorb the implications of the philosophical literature.
Kurtis Hagen 作者作品表

eBook: Lead Them with Virtue: A Confucian Alternative to War (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Lead Them with Virtue: A Confucian Alternative to War (DRM PDF)

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