■ 紮實題材:新版保有臺灣師範大學國語教學中心一貫的豐富教學資源及與時俱進的學習主題,再彙集海內外華語教師及使用者第一線回饋,進行內容更新,教學應用更加順利。
■ 輕量分冊:新版第一冊課本以5課為單位,分為1-1、1-2、1-3共3本。可合買也可單購,提供學生更多選擇。
■ 有效學習:整合作業本及漢字簿,作業L1-5+漢字L1-5為1-1,以此類推同樣分為3本,協助學生對應上課進度,追蹤學習成效。
■ AR加持:新版每課皆製作課文對話的AR動畫,下載免費AR軟體即可掃瞄課文圖片,呈現生動的角色與對話畫面。
■ 影音加分:另將各課音檔整合為Youtube播放清單,只要掃描教材封面折口QRcode,即可直接播放全冊音檔。搭配各課動畫,倍增學習樂趣。
本系列教材適合來台學習華語學生,並適用於海外高中或大學學習華語的學生。一~六冊的程度規劃相當於 CEFR 的 A1-C1等級或 ACTFL 的 Novice-Superior等級。
國立臺灣師範大學國語教學中心成立於 1956 年,隸屬於國立臺灣師範大學,是臺灣歷史最悠久、規模最完備、教學最有成效的華語文教學機構。學員來自全世界各地,許多漢學界知名學者及政經界名人都曾在此就讀,在國際間享譽盛名。
The Mandarin Training Center (MTC) at NTNU
The Mandarin Training Center (MTC) is a subsidiary of National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) and was founded in the autumn of 1956 for teaching Chinese as a second language. Currently, the MTC is the largest and the most renowned Chinese language center, with around 1,700 students from more than 70 countries enrolled each academic quarter (three months).
前言 Foreword
主編的話 From the Editor’s Desk
系列規畫 About the Series
改版緣起 Reasons for the Revision
AR使用步驟 How to Use AR
漢語介紹 An Introduction to the Chinese Language
各課重點 Highlights of Lessons
詞類表 Parts of speech in Chinese
課堂用語 Classroom Phrases
人物介紹 Introduction to Characters
第一課 歡迎你來臺灣!
Lesson 1 Welcome to Taiwan!
第二課 我的家人
Lesson 2 My Family
第三課 週末做什麼?
Lesson 3 What Are You Doing Over the Weekend?
第四課 請問一共多少錢?
Lesson 4 Excuse me. How Much Does That Cost in Total?
第五課 牛肉麵真好吃
Lesson 5 Beef Noodles Are Really Delicious
I.生詞索引 Vocabulary Index (Chinese-English)
II.生詞索引 Vocabulary Index (English –Chinese)
師範大學國語教學中心成立於 1956 年,是臺灣歷史最悠久、規模最完備、教學最有成效的華語文教學機構。每年培育三千名以上的外籍學生,學生來自世界一百二十餘國,至今累計人數已達五萬餘人,在國際間享譽盛名。
本中心自 1967 年開始編製教材,迄今共計編寫五十餘本教材,在華語教學界具有舉足輕重之地位。而現今使用之主教材已有十五年之久,不少學生及教師認為現行教材內容需要更新,應新編配合時代需求的新教材。因此,本中心因應外在環境變遷、教學法及教學媒體的創新與進步,籌畫編寫《當代中文課程》6 冊,以符合海內外華語教學的需求,並強化臺灣華語文教學教材之品牌。
為了讓理論與實務結合,並落實發揚華語文教學的精神與理念,本中心邀請了華語教學界的大師—鄧守信教授擔任主編,率領 18 位極富教學經驗的第一線老師進行內容編寫,並由張莉萍副研究員、張黛琪老師及教材研發組成員蔡如珮、張雯雯擔任執行編輯,進行了這項《當代中文課程》的編寫計畫。
這是本中心歷經數十年深厚教學經驗後再次開發的全新主教材,更為了確保品質,特別慎重;我們很榮幸地邀請到美國的Claudia Ross教授、白建華教授及陳雅芬教授,擔任顧問,也邀請了臺灣的葉德明教授、美國的姚道中教授及大陸的劉珣教授,擔任審查委員,並由本校英語系李櫻教授和畢永峨教授分別協助生詞和語法的翻譯。此教材在本中心及臺灣其他語言中心,進行了一年多的試用;經過顧問的悉心指導、審查委員的仔細批閱,並參考了老師及學生提出的寶貴意見,再由編寫老師做了多次修改,才將版本定稿。對於所有在編寫過程中,努力不懈的編輯團隊、給予指教的教授、配合試用的老師及學生,我們都要致上最高的謝意。
臺灣師範大學國語教學中心主任 陳浩然
The Mandarin Training Center (MTC) at National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) was established in 1956, and is the oldest, most comprehensive, and most pedagogically effective educational institute of its kind in Taiwan. Every year over 3,000 international students are trained at MTC, and to the present day over 50,000 students representing more than 120 countries have walked through its doors, solidifying international renown.
MTC started producing teaching material in 1967, and has since completed over 50 textbooks, making it a frontrunner in the field of teaching Chinese as a second language. As the core books have been in circulation for 15 years already, many students and teachers agree that updates are in order, and that new materials should be made to meet the modern demand. Changes in the social landscape, improved teaching methods, and innovations in educational media are what prompted the production of MTC’s six-volume series, A Course in Contemporary Chinese. The project responds to Chinese teaching needs both at home and abroad, and bolsters Taiwan’s brand of teaching material for Chinese as a second language.
With the goal of integrating theory and practice, and carrying forward the spirit of teaching Chinese as a second language, MTC petitioned one of the field’s most esteemed professors, Shou-Hsin Teng, to serve as chief editor. A Course in Contemporary Chinese has been compiled and edited under his leadership, together with the help of 18 seasoned Chinese teachers and the following four executive editors: Associate Research Fellow Liping Chang, Tai-chi Chang, and Ru-pei Cai and Wen-wen Chang of the MTC teaching material development division.
MTC is presenting this brand new core material after half a century’s worth of educational experience, and we have taken extra care to ensure it is of uncompromised quality. We were delighted to have American professors Claudia Ross, Jianhua Bai , and Yea-fen Chen act as consultants, Professor Teh-Ming Yeh from Taiwan, Professor Tao-chung Yao from the U.S., and Professor Xun Liu from China on the review committee, and professors Ying Cherry Li and Yung-O Biq of NTNU’s English department help with the respective translation of vocabulary and grammar points. The material was first trialed at MTC and other language centers around Taiwan for a year. The current version underwent numerous drafts, and materialized under the careful guidance of the consultants, a sedulous reading from the review committee, and feedback from teachers and students. As for the editorial process, we owe the greatest thanks to the indefatigable editorial team, the professors and their invaluable input, and the teachers and students who were