Deep Wheel Orcadia (Paperback)
作者: Harry Josephine Giles 
分類: Poetry by individual poets ,
Science fiction ,
Scots (Lallans, the Doric) ,
Orkney Islands  
書城編號: 23413045

原價: HK$154.00
現售: HK$146.3 節省: HK$7.7

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出版社: Picador
出版日期: 2022/05/01
重量: 0.32 kg
ISBN: 9781529066609


Deep Wheel Orcadia is, effortlessly, a first: a science-fiction verse novel written in the Orcadian dialect, it's also the first full-length book in the Orkney language in over 50 years

Astrid is returning home from art school on Mars, looking for inspiration. Darling is fleeing a life that never fit, searching for somewhere to hide. They meet on Deep Wheel Orcadia, a distant space station struggling for survival as the pace of change threatens to leave the community behind.

Deep Wheel Orcadia is a magical first: a science fiction verse novel written in the Orkney dialect. This unique adventure in minority language poetry comes with a parallel translation into playful and vivid English, so the reader will miss no nuance of the original. The rich and varied cast weaves a compelling, lyric and effortlessly readable story around place and belonging, work and economy, generation and gender politics, love and desire - all with the lightness of touch, fluency and musicality one might expect of one the most talented poets to have emerged from Scotland in recent years. Hailing from Orkney, Harry Josephine Giles is widely known as a fine poet and spellbindingly original performer of their own work; Deep Wheel Orcadia now strikes out into audacious new space.

Harry Josephine Giles 作者作品表

Them! (Paperback)

eBook: Them!: 'A bold and inimitable tour de force' - Guardian (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Deep Wheel Orcadia: A Novel (DRM EPUB)

The Games (Paperback)

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