Dinosaurs: My First Book of Sounds: A Press & Play Sound Book (Hardcover)
作者: Julius Csotonyi 
書城編號: 23465062

原價: HK$200.00
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出版社: Applesauce Pr
出版日期: 2022/07/19
ISBN: 9781646432585

Travel back in time to the prehistoric era with the roars and calls in My First Book of Sounds: Dinosaurs, a press-and-play sound book.

Learn key facts about each dinosaur and listen as they roar with My First Book of Sounds: Dinosaurs. Kids will be mesmerized by the realistic roars, squawks, calls, and trills. Vibrant illustrations by paleoartist Julius Csotonyi set the scene so kids can feel like they're running in the jungle next to the T-rex and stalking prey in the water with Spinosaurus. Babies and toddlers will love reading this book and pressing the buttons over and over again. This book includes the pronunciation of each dino so parents won't stumble and kids can learn how to say their favorite dinosaur names. Listen to the T-rex, Velociraptor, and Stegosaurus and experience the era of the dinosaurs right at home with My First Book of Sounds: Dinosaurs!

Julius Csotonyi 作者作品表

Discovering Birds: The Ultimate Handbook to the Birds of the World (Hardcover)

The Ultimate Dragon Field Guide: The Fantastical Explorer's Handbook (Paperback)

Sticker Mosaics Reptiles: Puzzle Together 12 Wild Designs (Paint by Sticker, Sticker by Number, Sticker Activity Book) (Paperback)

Discovering Dragons: The Ultimate Guide to the Creatures of Legend (Hardcover)

Kid Paleontologist: ?Explore the Remarkable Dinosaurs, Fossils Finds, and Discoveries of the Prehistoric Era (Hardcover)

The Ultimate Bug Field Guide: The Entomologist's Handbook (Bugs, Observations, Science, Nature, Field Guide) (Imitation Leather)

The Great White Shark 500-Piece Jigsaw Puzzle & Book: A 500-Piece Family Jigsaw Puzzle Featuring The Shark Handbook (Jigsaw)

Dinosaurs: 550-Piece Jigsaw Puzzle & Book: A 550-Piece Family Jigsaw Puzzle Featuring the T-Rex Handbook! (Jigsaw)

Discovering Bugs (Hardcover)

T-Rex Handbook (Hardcover)

Paleoart of Julius Csotonyi (Hardcover)

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