Physics Virtual Laboratory (Paperback)
作者: Robert Lucas 
分類: Scientific equipment, experiments & techniques ,
Physics ,
Educational: Physics  
書城編號: 23572696

售價: $700.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 7-14 天

出版社: Crc Pr Inc
出版日期: 2022/05/31
ISBN: 9781032197395


This book describes more than thirty physics practicals at high school and undergraduate levels with background information on each one, a description of the equipment needed, and instructions on how the experiment is performed. Uniquely, for those without access to a real laboratory, the book provides access to highly detailed 3D simulations of all the experiments.

The simulations are a superset of the Virtual Physics Laboratory as reviewed and given the Green Tick of Approval by the Association for Science Education. They run in any browser that supports WebGL, such as Microsoft Edge or Firefox on Windows and Safari on Mac. For the school or university student who wants to practice and widen their knowledge of physics, or for those who are learning on their own, this is an ideal book for honing and broadening experimental skills.

The simulations are the result of many years researching the teaching of online science, a field in which the author has published many papers.

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