Qatar: The Practice of Rented Power (Hardcover)
作者: Diana Galeeva 
分類: Politics & government ,
書城編號: 23572711

售價: $1890.00

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出版社: Routledge Chapman Hall
出版日期: 2022/04/01
ISBN: 9781032215792


This book explains the parameters of Qatar's political growth by developing an alternative theory of power - 'rented' power.

The author demonstrates how Qatar's emergence as a regional power can be solely explained by its capacity as a gas-rich rentier state. By using Qatar as an empirical case study of the 'rented' power theory, readers will gain insight into Qatar's engagement with non-state actors (political Islam, tribes, media, sports, and others) to wield its power, allowing Qatar to 'rent' the well-established influence of non-state actors due to their transnational nature. The Qatari case demonstrates a state's ability to establish a patron-client relationship with non-state actors, overcoming limitations set by size or military strength to gain international influence.

This book is accessible to a wide readership: it will be of interest of scholars, postgraduates, journalists, policy experts, and a general audience whose interests include the politics of the Middle East and the GCC states particularly

Diana Galeeva 作者作品表

Islam in Russia: Formations of Tolerance (Hardcover)

Islam in Russia: Formations of Tolerance (Paperback)

eBook: Islam in Russia: Formations of Tolerance (DRM PDF)

eBook: Islam in Russia: Formations of Tolerance (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Qatar: The Practice of Rented Power (DRM PDF)

eBook: Qatar: The Practice of Rented Power (DRM EPUB)

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