Finessing the Daughters of a Kingpin (Paperback)
作者: Carter 
書城編號: 23591397

售價: $110.00

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出版社: Independently Published
出版日期: 2021/10/20
重量: 0.26 kg
ISBN: 9798754540033

Angel "Ace" Harrison, the oldest daughter of the most lethal man to step into the drug business, is a force to be reckoned with. Being trained to be the most emotionless thing walking the New York streets, has its perks. Not only having the face of an Angel fools her enemies, but no one truly knows she's a demon ready to go through any challenge she's faced with. With nothing but childhood trauma and deadly secrets clouding her mind, the ice around Angel's heart thickens by the day.

Onyx "X" Harrison, is the problem child. Unlike Angel, Onyx was raised to be the star pupil of the family; the lawyer, maybe doctor. But when driven by guns and destruction since the day she could complete a full sentence, she began following in the footsteps of her older sister. Feeling held back from her full capability, Onyx wreaks havoc in the streets regardless of her worried mother and sister. But when wreaking havoc goes wrong, Onyx is placed on a ride that she'll never get off. A ride that's going to not only put her life in jeopardy, but her family's as well.

Sa'ri "Syx" Bentley lives his life under his father's belt. When placed in a situation to avenge his dead mother, he is used as a pawn in his father's sick game of Chess. But when he's placed on the board to play against two queens, death could be knocking sooner than he thinks. Growing tired of his father's games, not only is his relationship tested, but so is his loyalty.

Sergio Bentley was hell bent since his wife was taken from him. But when you underestimate the wife of the man you killed years ago, consequences are soon followed. Known to him that his enemies are untouchable, he does anything in his power to take down the woman that ruined his family; even if it's meant to ruin hers. Being ruthless since day one, he doesn't care if his reckless behavior cost him his only son. Or better yet, his life.

In this explosive story, Angel & Onyx are faced with the biggest challenge they'll ever have to go through. What happens when two lethal gangsters put fire to two of the most notorious women of New York?

Find out in the first installment of Finessing The Daughters of A Kingpin.

Carter 作者作品表

Legacy of the Heirs (Paperback)

Mafia King (Paperback)

Histories of Everyday Life: The Making of Popular Social History in Britain, 1918-1979 (Paperback)

From Skinny to Sculpted: A Macro Counting Journey for Serious Muscle (Paperback)

Mobile App Development 101: Creating for Android and iOS (Paperback)

Python Programming 101: Starting with a Versatile Language (Paperback)

Scaling and Managing Growth for Mobile Apps 101 (Paperback)

Unleashing Adventures: A Guide to Off-Leash Training for Dogs (Paperback)

Trophy Catfish Mastery: Pursuing, Landing, and Celebrating Big Cats (Paperback)

Bass Fishing Mastery: Strategies, Secrets, and Conservation (Paperback)

The Junior Angler's Guide: Responsible Fishing and Conservation (Paperback)

Clutter-Free Mom: Mastering the Art of Organized Living (Paperback)

Mafia Boss: Dark Irish Mafia Romance (Paperback)

Mafia Games: A Dark Kidnapping Romance (Paperback)

Meirleach nan Sgeul (Paperback)

Autonomous Knowledge: Radical Enhancement, Autonomy, and the Future of Knowing (Hardcover)

Finessing the Daughters of a Kingpin (Paperback)

Fearless: Wild Irish Series (Paperback)

Ccsp Certified Cloud Security Professional All-In-One Exam G (Edition 2)(Paperback

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