Stop Negative Thinking: The Step-by-Step Plan to Overcome Negativity And Stop Overthinking. Declutter Your Mind and Start Thinking Positively (Hardcov
作者: Anita Allen 
書城編號: 23629014

原價: HK$350.00
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出版社: Lightning Source Inc
出版日期: 2021/11/11
重量: 0.4 kg
ISBN: 9788367110280


People often think that creating a positive frame of mind is rather easy.

But in today's busy world, it might not be as easy as they originally thought.

However, I think that all good habits are like learning a new skill.

You might find it difficult to learn the skill but that is only because you have been used to a certain lifestyle.

Think about it this way; you are used to living with certain bad habits for a long time, even decades for some.

Trying to change them in a matter of a few days is going to be truly challenging.

Which is why you should focus on using the techniques provided in this book over time.

You don't have to start changing all your habits in one go.

You might add a lot of unneeded stress in your life this way.

While the road ahead might be long, I can say that it will be truly rewarding.

The journey to a good life is paved with many challenges.

But those challenges show you the kind of person you are.

In fact, when you reach your destination, you might look back and say, "Well, that wasn't so bad now, was it?"

Think about a time when you had experienced a challenge and you were nervous.

However, if you were asked to recall the same incident right now, you might talk about it as though it was a story.

The entire experience might not bother you and you might scoff at the idea that you were so worried back then.

You see, things are always intimidating when they are up close.

It is only when they are viewed from a distance that they seem less frightening.

I also advise you to never worry too much about what others might think.

You are on a path to create meaningful changes in your life.

You don't have to involve anyone who does not have to be part of the change.

It is almost like those times you go to the gym and feel suddenly so self-conscious that you just want to pack up and leave.

But there is no need for that.

Chances are that everyone in the gym is there to achieve a certain goal.

And if they are not encouraging or helping you achieve your goals, then why bother worrying about them?

After all, aren't we talking about eliminating the negative here?

So, head out and make a world of change.

Do not stop for anything.

Make yourself the center of your journey.

It is time to bring more positivity into your life.

Anita Allen 作者作品表

Stop Negative Thinking: The Step-by-Step Plan to Overcome Negativity And Stop Overthinking. Declutter Your Mind and Start Thinking Positively (Paperba

Stop Negative Thinking: The Step-by-Step Plan to Overcome Negativity And Stop Overthinking. Declutter Your Mind and Start Thinking Positively (Hardcov

eBook: Unpopular Privacy: What Must We Hide? (DRM PDF)

eBook: Unpopular Privacy: What Must We Hide? (DRM EPUB)

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