A Child's Introduction to Space Exploration: An Explorer's Guide to Rockets, Astronauts, and Life in Zero Gravity (Hardcover)
作者: Michael E. Bakich 
分類: Astronomy, space & time ,
Science & technology: general interest (Children's / Teenage) ,
Space (Children's / Teenage)  
書城編號: 23679059

原價: HK$200.00
現售: HK$190 節省: HK$10

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出版社: Black Dog & Leventhal
出版日期: 2022/09/20
ISBN: 9780762478842

Get ready to blast off into the space! This interactive, fact-filled book by two space experts takes kids aged 8-12 on a journey through the universe with answers to all their questions on space exploration--from what the first rockets looked like and the first animal in space to what space food tastes like and what it's like to live in zero gravity.

We are living in a golden age of astronomy and space exploration, with more discoveries about the universe every day. With so many possibilities now open to us, revered science writers Michael E. Bakich and David J. Eicher will take young readers on a journey to the throughout the universe in this latest edition of A Child's Introduction series.

Perfect for budding explorers aged 8-12, Bakich and Eicher explore the history of space exploration from the very first rocket in China, to the moon landing, to the latest missions to Mars (and beyond). They also include profiles of noteworthy scientists, engineers, and astronauts including Isaac Newton, Neil Armstrong, Mae Carol Jemison; fun sections on space food, UFOs, a timeline of space suits, and how to go to the bathroom in space; and STEM experiments like how to build your own rocket and how to tell time using the sun.

Packed with dozens of NASA photos and charming original illustrations, and a pull-out poster, this fascinating book reveals the wonders of space exploration--past, present and future!

Michael E. Bakich 作者作品表

eBook: Your Guide to the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse (DRM PDF)

eBook: 1,001 Celestial Wonders to See Before You Die: The Best Sky Objects for Star Gazers (DRM PDF)

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