Poster Art of the Disney Parks, Second Edition (Hardcover)
作者: Danny Handke 
分類: Poster art  
書城編號: 23681012

原價: HK$500.00
現售: HK$475 節省: HK$25

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出版社: Disney Pr
出版日期: 2022/09/20
重量: 0.45 kg
ISBN: 9781368062473

An expanded and updated second edition of the stunning collection of posters from Disney theme parks around the world! Features more than 85 new posters and concept art pieces and a lively narrative about their behind-the-scenes development.

Disney attraction posters have been an important means of communication since Disneyland began displaying them in 1956. These eye-catching pieces of artwork adorn the parks with flair and style, and are displayed to build excitement and disseminate information about the newest additions to the Disney landscape. As evidenced by the evolution of the attraction posters, art styles and design techniques have certainly changed over the years. These characteristics also differ from continent to continent. Posters from EPCOT, Tokyo Disneyland, Disneyland Paris, Hong Kong Disneyland, and Shanghai Disneyland exhibit the nuances in presentation that give each park's pantheon of posters its signature look and story.

This expanded and updated second edition is a must-have for anyone who loves the original book, for Disney collectors, and for students of the arts. Find inside:

  • An incredible collection of original attraction posters from Shanghai Disneyland
  • The extensive and graphically bold collection of EPCOT posters first unveiled at D23 Expo 2019
  • Posters featuring attractions and lands inspired by storytelling from Pixar, Star Wars, and Marvel
  • A variety of vibrant voices quoted throughout the book, with interesting insights about the development of the posters over the years and the interconnection among art, typography, and graphic design--Disney style.
Searching for that perfect gift for the Disney theme park fan in your life? Explore more archival-quality books from Disney Editions:
  • A Portrait of Walt Disney World: 50 Years of The Most Magical Place on Earth
  • Holiday Magic at the Disney Parks
  • The Disney Monorail: Imagineering a Highway in the Sky
  • One Day at Disney: Meet the People Who Make the Magic Across the Globe
  • Marc Davis in His Own Words: Imagineering the Disney Theme Parks
  • Yesterday's Tomorrow: Disney's Magical Mid-Century
  • Eat Like Walt: The Wonderful World of Disney Food
  • Maps of the Disney Parks: Charting 60 Years from California to Shanghai
  • The Haunted Mansion: Imagineering a Disney Classic
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