50 German Coffee Breaks: Short Activities to Improve Your German One Cup at a Time (Paperback)
作者: Coffee Break Languages 
分類: Grammar & vocabulary ,
Language self-study texts ,
書城編號: 23729825

原價: HK$154.00
現售: HK$146.3 節省: HK$7.7

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出版社: Hodder & Stroughton
出版日期: 2022/06/07
ISBN: 9781399802420
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Transform your down time into 'do time'.

The most successful language learners create a habit of studying on a regular basis. 50 German Coffee Breaksmakes it easy to master a simple routine of improving your German by effortlessly integrating it with your calming daily ritual-from a 5-minute espresso to a 15-minute latte.

Organized by 5, 10 and 15 minutes, these 50 varied and lively activities - from anagram and idiom challenges to recipes and quotations - are created for high-beginner to intermediate adult and young-adult learners and designed to keep you motivated while building your skills in key areas.

- Reading comprehension
- Writing skills
- Grammar confidence
- Translation abilities
- Vocabulary expansion
- Cultural awareness

By practicing German in a fun and relaxed way in the time you have, you will stay on track to achieve your language learning aspirations. So, pick up your preferred brew and this practical book, and make learning the most pleasurable and productive part of your busy day.

For 15 years Coffee Break Languages has helped make it possible for millions of people to learn a language in a way that fits into their everyday life: whether that's while walking the dog, at the gym, or on their coffee break!

Teach Yourself has collaborated with Coffee Break Languages to bring their brilliant method to a wider audience by producing their first-ever printed product. All the activities are written by long-time teachers of the language in Coffee Break's characteristically friendly and conversational style. It's the perfect complement to your studies.

The activities are levelled for high-beginner to low-intermediate learners: CEFR A2-B1 and ACTFL Intermediate-low/mid

Coffee Break Languages 作者作品表

50 Swedish Coffee Breaks: Short Activities to Improve Your Swedish One Cup at a Time (Paperback)

50 English Coffee Breaks: Short Activities to Improve Your English One Cup at a Time (Paperback)

eBook: 50 Swedish Coffee Breaks: Short activities to improve your Swedish one cup at a time (DRM EPUB)

eBook: 50 English Coffee Breaks: Short activities to improve your English one cup at a time (DRM EPUB)

eBook: 50 Spanish Coffee Breaks: Short activities to improve your Spanish one cup at a time (DRM EPUB)

eBook: 50 German Coffee Breaks: Short activities to improve your German one cup at a time (DRM EPUB)

eBook: 50 Italian Coffee Breaks: Short activities to improve your Italian one cup at a time (DRM EPUB)

eBook: 50 French Coffee Breaks: Short activities to improve your French one cup at a time (DRM EPUB)

50 Spanish Coffee Breaks: Short Activities to Improve Your Spanish One Cup at a Time (Paperback)

50 German Coffee Breaks: Short Activities to Improve Your German One Cup at a Time (Paperback)

50 Italian Coffee Breaks: Short Activities to Improve Your Italian One Cup at a Time (Paperback)

50 French Coffee Breaks: Short Activities to Improve Your French One Cup at a Time (Paperback)

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