The British History Puzzle Book: From the Dark Ages to Digital Britain in 500 Challenges and Teasers (Paperback)
作者: Philip Parker 
分類: Puzzles & quizzes  
書城編號: 23742345

原價: HK$210.00
現售: HK$199.5 節省: HK$10.5

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出版社: British Lib
出版日期: 2022/10/01
ISBN: 9780712354400

Illustrated with beautiful images from the British Library's collection, The British History Puzzle Book will provide hours of entertainment and delight readers with questions for history novices to experts alike. It also spans British history from the first Stone Age settlers to today's post-industrial country.

A spectacular, puzzle-fueled, myth-busting journey through the hidden history of Britain in 500 questions.

Britain's history is one of the richest and most complex in Europe. From the first Stone Age settlers, through the Roman occupation, the waves of Germanic and Viking invaders, the wars of the Middle Ages, the consolidation of the United Kingdom, the British Empire, the two World Wars and today's post- industrial country, its development is filled with well-known highpoints and lesser-known byways. The British History Puzzle Book poses fascinating and fiendish questions which will test your knowledge of the nation's history to the limit and reveal a treasure trove of astonishing facts.

So if you've ever wondered where cricket was invented, how many husbands the reigning queens of England have had, or who the first recorded tourist to visit Britain was, then The British History Puzzle Book will provide all the answers.

Philip Parker 作者作品表

History of Empires in Maps (Hardcover)

The History of Everywhere: All the Stuff That You Never Knew Happened at the Same Time (Paperback)

eBook: History of Cities in Maps (DRM EPUB)

eBook: To the Ends of the Earth: How the greatest maps were made (DRM EPUB)

To the Ends of the Earth: How the greatest maps were made (Hardcover)

The Royal Puzzle Book: 300 Challenges and Teasers from Alfred the Great to Charles III (Paperback)

Small Island: 12 Maps That Explain The History of Britain (Hardcover)

eBook: Atlas of Atlases: Exploring the most important atlases in history and the cartographers who made them (DRM EPUB)

Small Island: 12 Maps That Explain The History of Britain (Paperback)

eBook: Small Island: 12 Maps That Explain The History of Britain (DRM EPUB)

The History of Everywhere: All the Stuff That You Never Knew Happened at the Same Time (Hardcover)

British Library Magnificent Maps Puzzle Book (Paperback)

History of Britain in Maps (Hardcover)

Revolution (Hardcover)

50 Things You Should Know About the Vikings (Paperback)

Game of Shadows (Hardcover)

Cold War Spy Pocket-Manual (Hardcover)

eBook: Cold War Spy Pocket Manual: The official field-manuals for spycraft, espionage and counter-intelligence (DRM PDF)

eBook: Cold War Spy Pocket Manual: The official field-manuals for spycraft, espionage and counter-intelligence (DRM EPUB)

Weapons & Armour Through Ages (Paperback)

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