Dungeon: Early Years, Vol. 3: Wihout a Soundvolume 3 (Paperback)
作者: Christophe Gaultier 
書城編號: 23747436

原價: HK$160.00
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出版社: Nantier Beall Minoustchine Pub
出版日期: 2022/09/21
重量: 0.41 kg
ISBN: 9781681123028

The legend of the founding of Dungeon continues with two all-new chapters! Old Arakou, Hyacinthe's father, feels rusty and mopes at the idea of dying in his bed. He never ceases to remember the old heroic days and his pals he wants to connect back with. So, he mounts his faithful steed, much to the chagrin of Alexandra who, worried for him, accompanies him on this crazy ride. Meanwhile, in the ruins of Antipolis, Comor and a handful of lords are preparing to take back power... The second story presents the arrival of young Marvin to the Dungeon, ready to become its most faithful protector. The city of Antipolis destroyed, his father dead, Hyacinthe de Cavall
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