Rongorongo: The Easter Island Script: History, Traditions, Text (Hardcover)
作者: Steven Roger Fischer 
系列: Oxford Studies in Anthropological Linguistics
分類: Palaeography (history of writing) ,
Easter Island  
書城編號: 23888647

售價: $5502.00

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出版社: Oxford University Press
出版日期: 1997/12/11
頁數: 736
尺寸: 243 x 166 x 45 mm
重量: 1178 grams
ISBN: 9780198237105

Documents Easter Island's enigmatic script, Rongorongo, Oceania's only known pre-20th-century writing system. This study of this eloquent graphic achievement shows full transcriptions of all the 25 surviving Rongorongo inscriptions, with detailed photographs of nearly all the incised artefacts.
Oxford Studies in Anthropological Linguistics

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Rongorongo: The Easter Island Script: History, Traditions, Text (Hardcover)

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... [顯示此系列所有商品]

Steven Roger Fischer 作者作品表

eBook: Cititul (DRM EPUB)

History of Reading (Paperback)

History of Language (Paperback)

History of the Pacific Islands (Paperback)

Islands (Hardcover)

History of the Pacific Islands (Paperback)

eBook: History of Reading (DRM EPUB)

Rongorongo: The Easter Island Script: History, Traditions, Text (Hardcover)

eBook: History of Language (DRM EPUB)

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