Open Letters: Selected Prose (Main) (Paperback)
作者: Vaclav Havel 
分類: Biography: general ,
Slavic (Slavonic) languages ,
c 1960 to c 1970 ,
c 1970 to c 1980 ,
c 1980 to c 1990  
書城編號: 23932249

原價: HK$210.00
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出版社: Faber & Faber
出版日期: 1992/07/06
頁數: 432
尺寸: 129 x 197 x 30 mm
重量: 345 grams
ISBN: 9780571165216

Virtually everything Vaclav Havel has ever written has acquired a new resonance, whether ironic, artistic, philosophical or political, since he became President of his country in 1989. This selection of his prose ranges in time from the early 1960s to his New Year message of 1990.
Vaclav Havel 作者作品表

eBook: Sobre la politica y el odio (DRM EPUB)

Power of the Powerless (Paperback)

The Increased Difficulty of Concentration (Paperback)

eBook: El poder de los sin poder (DRM PDF)

eBook: Leaving (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Power of the Powerless (Routledge Revivals): Citizens Against the State in Central-eastern Europe (DRM PDF)

eBook: Power of the Powerless (Routledge Revivals): Citizens Against the State in Central-eastern Europe (DRM EPUB)

The Power of the Powerless (Routledge Revivals): Citizens Against the State in Central-eastern Europe

eBook: To the Castle and Back (DRM EPUB)

Leaving (Main) (Paperback)

To the Castle and Back (Main) (Paperback)

Selected Plays: 1984-1987: Largo Desolato; Temptation; Redevelopment (Main) (Paperback)

Open Letters: Selected Prose (Main) (Paperback)

Summer Meditations on Politics,Morality (Hardcover)

Private View (Paperback)

Disturbing the Peace: A Conversation with Karel Hvizdala (Paperback)

Letters to Olga: June 1979 to September 1982 (Main) (Paperback)

Vaclav Havel: Or Living in Truth (Paperback)

Power of the Powerless: Citizens Against the State in Centra (Paperback)

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