Copycat Science: Step into the shoes of the world's greatest scientists (Paperback)
作者: Mike Barfield 
書城編號: 23942067

原價: HK$154.00
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出版日期: 2020/09/01
頁數: 96
尺寸: 172 x 229 x 13 mm
重量: 310 grams
ISBN: 9780711251809

Explore famous scientific discoveries through humorous comic strips - then have a go at copying the science experiments for yourself!
Mike Barfield 作者作品表

A Day in the Life of Dinosaurs, Dead Kings and Other Discovered Things: A Laugh-Out-Loud Guide to the World’s Most Wonderful Discoveries (Paperback)

Planet Earth: My Life So Far: An Autobiography of Our World (Paperback)


The Wild Life of Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Animals: The Amazing Lives of Earth's Earliest Animals (Paperback)

The World’s First Rollercoaster: and Other Amazing Inventions (Paperback)

Feel the Force: Revealing the Physics Secrets That Rule the Universe (Hardcover)


The Wild Life of Animals (Hardcover)

A Day in the Life of an Astronaut, Mars, and the Distant Stars (Hardcover)

The Wild Life of Animals: The Secret Lives of Astounding Animals (Paperback)

A Day in the Life of an Astronaut, Mars and the Distant Stars (Paperback)

Every Day Amazing: Fantastic Facts for Every Day of the Year (Hardcover)

That's Life!: Looking for the Living Things All Around You (Hardcover)

eBook: Els set regnes dels éssers vius (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Los siete reinos de los seres vivos (DRM EPUB)

Copycat Science: Step into the shoes of the world's greatest scientists (Paperback)

The Element in the Room: Investigating the Atomic Ingredients that Make Up Your Home (Hardcover)

Mischief Maker's Handbook (Paperback)

Flight School (Paperback)

Pop Out Art (Paperback)

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