Paying the Toll: Local Power, Regional Politics, and the Golden Gate Bridge (Hardcover)
作者: Louise Nelson Dyble 
系列: American Business, Politics, and Society
書城編號: 23974507

原價: HK$504.00
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出版社: University of Pennsylvania Press
出版日期: 2009/04/01
頁數: 296
尺寸: 229 x 152 mm
ISBN: 9780812241471

Drawing on previously unavailable archives, Paying the Toll describes the high-stakes struggles for control of the Golden Gate Bridge, and offers a rare inside look at the powerful and secretive agency that built a regional transportation empire with its toll revenue.
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Louise Nelson Dyble 作者作品表

eBook: Paying the Toll: Local Power, Regional Politics, and the Golden Gate Bridge (DRM PDF)

Paying the Toll: Local Power, Regional Politics, and the Golden Gate Bridge (Hardcover)

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