Queen Victoria's Enemies: Asia, Australasia and the Americas (Paperback)
作者: Ian Knight 
系列: Men-at-Arms
書城編號: 23992614

原價: HK$182.00
現售: HK$172.9 節省: HK$9.1

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出版社: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
出版日期: 1990/07/26
頁數: 48
尺寸: 247 x 187 x 3 mm
重量: 172 grams
ISBN: 9780850459517


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Ian Knight 作者作品表

Blood River 1838: The Zulu-Boer War and the Great Trek (Paperback)

eBook: Warriors in Scarlet: The Life and Times of the Last Redcoats (DRM EPUB)

Australian Bushrangers 1788-1880 (Paperback)

Boer Guerrilla vs British Mounted Soldier (Paperback)

Anatomy of the Zulu Army (Paperback)

Marching to the Drums (Paperback)

eBook: Anatomy of the Zulu Army: From Shaka to Cetshwayo, 1818-1879 (DRM PDF)

eBook: Anatomy of the Zulu Army: From Shaka to Cetshwayo, 1818-1879 (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Marching to the Drums: Eyewitness Accounts of War from the Kabul Massacre to the Siege of Mafeking (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Marching to the Drums: Eyewitness Accounts of War from the Kabul Massacre to the Siege of Mafeking (DRM PDF)

British Infantryman Vs Zulu Warrior (Paperback)

New Zealand Wars, 1820-72 (Paperback)

Zulu Rising (Paperback)

eBook: Zulu Rising: The Epic Story of iSandlwana and Rorke's Drift (DRM EPUB)

Zulu Rising (Hardcover)

Maori Fortifications (Paperback)

eBook: Companion to the Anglo-Zulu War (DRM PDF)

eBook: Companion to the Anglo-Zulu War (DRM EPUB)

With His Face to the Foe: The Life and Death of Louis Napoleon, The Prince Imperial Zululand 1879 (UK ed.) (Paperback)

eBook: Brave Men's Blood: The Epic of the Zulu War, 1879 (DRM EPUB)

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