A Century of the Artist's Studio (Paperback)
作者: Iwona Blazwick 
分類: Exhibition catalogues & specific collections  
書城編號: 23993872

原價: HK$350.00
現售: HK$332.5 節省: HK$17.5

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出版社: Whitechapel Gallery
出版日期: 2022/07/05
頁數: 280
尺寸: 280 x 230 mm
ISBN: 9780854883004


An innovative take on the artist's studio as refuge, stage and public site, with Brancusi, Bacon, Ringgold and more

This extensive catalog charts the many forms and incarnations of the artist's studio through the last century: as a laboratory or stage set; as place of refuge or a public space; as a site of resistance or an arena for communal activity. Featuring over 80 artists and collectives from around the world, A Century of the Artist's Studio focuses in two sections on "the public studio" and "the private studio," accompanied by six thematic essays and full-color plate sections of works by Brancusi, Fischli & Weiss, Roni Horn, Bruce Nauman, Cindy Sherman, Andy Warhol, Nikhil Chopra, Gutai Group, Inji Efflatoun, Francesca Woodman, Ai Weiwei, Marisa Merz, Faith Ringgold and Francis Bacon, among many others.

Iwona Blazwick 作者作品表

eBook: Iwona Blazwick (DRM PDF)

A Century of the Artist's Studio (Paperback)

Works from Christen Sveaas Art Foundation: Selected by Pauline Olowska (Paperback)

Christen Sveaas Art Collection (Paperback)

Thomas Ruff (Paperback)

William Kentridge (Paperback)

Adventures of the Black Square (Hardcover)

Cornelia Parker (Paperback)

Talking Art (Paperback)

In Cloud Country (Paperback)

Gerhard Richter: Atlas: the Reader (Paperback)

eBook: Iwona Blazwick (DRM EPUB)

Talking Art: Interviews with Artists Since 1976 (Paperback)

Alex Katz (Paperback)

Liam Gillick: The Wood Way (Hardcover)

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