Secret Britain: A journey through the Second World War's hidden bases and battlegrounds (Hardcover)
作者: Sinclair McKay 
書城編號: 24060782

原價: HK$238.00
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出版社: Headline Publishing Group
出版日期: 2021/09/30
頁數: 320
尺寸: 145 x 223 x 33 mm
重量: 436 grams
ISBN: 9781472284532

From the bestselling author of The Secret Life of Bletchley Park and Bletchley Park Brainteasers comes an exciting new book that journeys around the top secret and hidden WWII bases and battlegrounds in the UK, and tells the story of the brave men and women who fought and trained in them.
Sinclair McKay 作者作品表

Meeting Churchill: A Life in 90 Encounters (Paperback)

Bletchley Park Puzzles and Brainteasers: Could YOU be a top secret codebreaker? (Children's Edition) (Paperback)

The Hidden History of Code-Breaking: The Secret World of Cyphers, Uncrackable Codes, and Elusive Encryptions (Paperback)

eBook: Meeting Churchill: A Life in 90 Encounters (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Hidden History of Code-Breaking: The Secret World of Cyphers, Uncrackable Codes, and Elusive Encryptions (DRM EPUB)

The Hidden History of Code Breaking: The Secret World of Cyphers, Uncrackable Codes, and Elusive Encryptions (Hardcover)

Berlin: Life and Loss in the City That Shaped the Century (Paperback)

50 Codes that Changed the World: . . . And Your Chance to Solve Them! (Paperback)

50 Codes that Changed the World: . . . And Your Chance to Solve Them! (Hardcover)

eBook: 50 Codes that Changed the World: . . . And Your Chance to Solve Them! (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Berlin: Life and Death in the City at the Center of the World (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Berlin: Life and Loss in the City That Shaped the Century (DRM EPUB)

Berlin: Life and Loss in the City That Shaped the Century (Hardcover)

Secret Britain: A journey through the Second World War's hidden bases and battlegrounds (Paperback)

Secret Britain: A journey through the Second World War's hidden bases and battlegrounds (Hardcover)

eBook: Secret Britain: A journey through the Second World War's hidden bases and battlegrounds (DRM EPUB)

100 People You Never Knew Were at Bletchley Park (Hardcover)

Lady in the Cellar (Hardcover)

eBook: Tower of London Puzzle Book (DRM EPUB)

Tower Of London Puzzle Book (hardcover)

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