Holland-Frei Oncologic Emergencies (Hardcover)
作者: Sai-Ching Jim Yeung, Carmen Escalante 
書城編號: 24081569

售價: $691.00

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出版社: B.C. Decker Inc
出版日期: 2002/06/16
頁數: 536
尺寸: 279 x 206 x 23 mm
重量: 1549 grams
ISBN: 9781550091717

Written by experts in acute care oncology, Oncologic Emergencies is an informative and authoritative review of requirements for acute symptom management in cancer patients. The text is extensively indexed for easy access and retrieval of information. Chapters discuss triage, life and death situations, major presenting symptoms, diagnostic imaging, and pathophysiology of emergent illness.

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