PDQ Otitis Externa (Paperback)
作者: Joseph Dohar 
系列: PDQ Series
書城編號: 24081612

售價: $307.00

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出版社: B.C. Decker Inc
出版日期: 2007/01/01
頁數: 80
尺寸: 216 x 127 mm
ISBN: 9781550093834

Although there are many titles published on this concerning topic few are written with the patient in mind. This comprehensive easy to follow book covers the questions that we all have. Otitis Externa whether acute, recurrent-acute or chronic is a disease that can affect anyone at any age and can be a life threatening disease in older adults.
PDQ Series

PDQ Otitis Externa (Paperback)

eBook: PDQ Statistics (DRM EPUB)

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