The Infantile Psychotic Self and Its Fates: Understanding and Treating Schizophrenics and Other Difficult Patients (Paperback)
作者: Vamik D. Volkan 
分類: Psychoanalytical theory (Freudian psychology) ,
Gynaecology & obstetrics ,
書城編號: 24089008

售價: $560.00

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出版社: Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers
出版日期: 1995/03/01
頁數: 352
ISBN: 9781568213798

Describes an approach to understanding and treating patients usually described as borderline or psychotic. The book focuses on these patients' fragile psychic cores, which have become saturated by unnameable bad effects that have been channelled through early experiences with the mother.
Vamik D. Volkan 作者作品表

eBook: Psychoanalysis, International Relations, and Diplomacy: A Sourcebook on Large-Group Psychology (DRM PDF)

eBook: Psychoanalysis, International Relations, and Diplomacy: A Sourcebook on Large-Group Psychology (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Animal Killer: Transmission of War Trauma From One Generation to the Next (DRM PDF)

eBook: Animal Killer: Transmission of War Trauma From One Generation to the Next (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Nazi Legacy: Depositing, Transgenerational Transmission, Dissociation, and Remembering Through Action (DRM PDF)

eBook: Would-Be Wife Killer: A Clinical Study of Primitive Mental Functions, Actualised Unconscious Fantasies, Satellite States, and Developmental Ste

eBook: Nazi Legacy: Depositing, Transgenerational Transmission, Dissociation, and Remembering Through Action (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Would-Be Wife Killer: A Clinical Study of Primitive Mental Functions, Actualised Unconscious Fantasies, Satellite States, and Developmental Ste

eBook: Immigrants and Refugees: Trauma, Perennial Mourning, Prejudice, and Border Psychology (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Immigrants and Refugees: Trauma, Perennial Mourning, Prejudice, and Border Psychology (DRM PDF)

eBook: Nazi Legacy: Depositing, Transgenerational Transmission, Dissociation, and Remembering Through Action (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Nazi Legacy: Depositing, Transgenerational Transmission, Dissociation, and Remembering Through Action (DRM PDF)

Animal Killer: Transmission of War Trauma From One Generation to the Next (Paperback)

eBook: Animal Killer: Transmission of War Trauma From One Generation to the Next (DRM EPUB)

The Infantile Psychotic Self and Its Fates: Understanding and Treating Schizophrenics and Other Difficult Patients (Paperback)

Six Steps in the Treatment of the Severely Regressed Patient (Hardcover)

The Need to Have Enemies and Allies: From Clinical Practice to International Relationships (Masterworks) (Paperback)

Depressive States and Their Treatment (Hardcover)

The Need to Have Enemies & Allies: From Clinical Practice to International Relationships (Paperback)

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