Psychology of Gender Identity: An International Perspective (Hardcover)
作者: Kam-shing Yip 
分類: Psychology  
書城編號: 24098208

原價: HK$2296.00
現售: HK$2181.2 節省: HK$114.8

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出版社: Nova Science Publishers Inc
出版日期: 2006/09/01
頁數: 264
尺寸: 259 x 183 x 19 mm
重量: 666 grams
ISBN: 9781594548581
>> 相關電子書

Gender encompasses biological sex, but extends beyond it to the socially prescribed roles deemed appropriate for each sex by the culture in which we live. This book brings together leading international research devoted to this subject.
Kam-shing Yip 作者作品表

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eBook: Psychology of Gender Identity: An International Perspective (DRM PDF)

eBook: Christianity and Mental Health: Suffering, Joy, Inner Conflicts, Transcendence and Salvation (DRM PDF)

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eBook: Integrated Dynamic Recovery for People with Substance Abuse and Drug Addiction: Interpretation and Intervention (DRM PDF)

Integrated Dynamic Recovery for People with Substance Abuse and Drug Addiction: Interpretation & Intervention (Hardcover)

eBook: Self-Fragmentation and Self-Integration in People with Schizophrenia, Volume 1: A Multi-dimensional Interpretation and Recovery (DRM PDF)

eBook: Emotionality of Mental Illness. (2 Volume Set)Volume I: Blunt Affect of Schizophrenia and Angry Feelings of DepressionVolume II: Sense of Disso

eBook: Clinical Practice with Chinese Persons with Severe Depression: A Normalized, Integrated, Communicative, Holistic and Evolving Hope (NICHE) Reco

SOCIAL WORK PRACTICES IN CHINESE CULTURE (China in the 21st Century: Social Issues, Justice and Status)

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Clinical Practice With Chinese Persons With Severe Depression: A Normalized, Intrgrated, Communicative, Holistic and Evolving Hope Recovery (Psycholog

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