Christianity & Mental Health: Suffering, Joy, Inner Conflicts, Transcendence & Salvation (Hardcover)
作者: Kam-shing Yip 
書城編號: 24117586

原價: HK$2856.00
現售: HK$2713.2 節省: HK$142.8

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出版社: Nova Science Publishers Inc
出版日期: 2015/12/01
頁數: 235
尺寸: 209 x 267 x 16 mm
重量: 496 grams
ISBN: 9781634836319
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Kam-shing Yip 作者作品表

eBook: Drug Addiction, Trauma and Mental Illness: Interpretation and Intervention (DRM PDF)

Emotionality, Intimacy and Trauma of Intellectually Disabled Clients with Self Harm, Aggression, Disturbing Behaviors and/or Emotional Fluctuation (SA

eBook: Emotionality, Intimacy and Trauma of Intellectually Disabled Clients with Self Harm, Aggression, Disturbing Behaviors and/or Emotional Fluctuat

eBook: Multi-Dimensional CARES Model in Clinical Practice with People with Borderline Personality Disorder: A Comprehensive and Empathetic Articulatio

eBook: Self-Fragmentation and Self-Integration in People with Schizophrenia, Volume II: Interpretation and Recovery of Positive and Negative Symptoms

A Multi-Dimensional CARES Model in Clinical Practice with People with Borderline Personality Disorder: A Comprehensive and Empathetic Articulation (Ha

eBook: Schizoaffective Disorders: International Perspectives on Understanding, Intervention and Rehabilitation (DRM PDF)

eBook: Psychology of Gender Identity: An International Perspective (DRM PDF)

eBook: Christianity and Mental Health: Suffering, Joy, Inner Conflicts, Transcendence and Salvation (DRM PDF)

Christianity & Mental Health: Suffering, Joy, Inner Conflicts, Transcendence & Salvation (Hardcover)

eBook: Integrated Dynamic Recovery for People with Substance Abuse and Drug Addiction: Interpretation and Intervention (DRM PDF)

Integrated Dynamic Recovery for People with Substance Abuse and Drug Addiction: Interpretation & Intervention (Hardcover)

eBook: Self-Fragmentation and Self-Integration in People with Schizophrenia, Volume 1: A Multi-dimensional Interpretation and Recovery (DRM PDF)

eBook: Emotionality of Mental Illness. (2 Volume Set)Volume I: Blunt Affect of Schizophrenia and Angry Feelings of DepressionVolume II: Sense of Disso

eBook: Clinical Practice with Chinese Persons with Severe Depression: A Normalized, Integrated, Communicative, Holistic and Evolving Hope (NICHE) Reco

SOCIAL WORK PRACTICES IN CHINESE CULTURE (China in the 21st Century: Social Issues, Justice and Status)

eBook: Social Work Practices in Chinese Culture: Conceptualization and Implementation (DRM PDF)

Clinical Practice With Chinese Persons With Severe Depression: A Normalized, Intrgrated, Communicative, Holistic and Evolving Hope Recovery (Psycholog

Emotionality and Mental Illness: A Multi-Dimensional Model (Psychology of Emotions, Motivations and Action)

Recovery & Resilience of Persons with Mental Problems: Conceptual Interpretation & Interaction (Hardcover)

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