Being Interdisciplinary: Adventures in Urban Science and Beyond (Hardcover)
作者: Alan Wilson 
分類: Research methods: general ,
Urban communities  
書城編號: 24147526

售價: $490.00

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出版日期: 2022/05/02
尺寸: 234 x 156 mm
ISBN: 9781800082144
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Alan Wilson draws on five decades as a leading figure in urban science to set out a systems approach to interdisciplinary research. Building from this approach, it offers some general principles for interdisciplinarity and a framework for constructing a personal research toolkit that fosters ambitious and creative research.
Alan Wilson 作者作品表

eBook: Being Interdisciplinary: Adventures in urban science and beyond (DRM EPUB)

Being Interdisciplinary: Adventures in Urban Science and Beyond (Hardcover)

Being Interdisciplinary: Adventures in Urban Science and Beyond (Paperback)

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eBook: Highland Shepherd: James MacGregor, Father of the Scottish Enlightenment in Nova Scotia (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Highland Shepherd: James MacGregor, Father of the Scottish Enlightenment in Nova Scotia (DRM PDF)

eBook: More Perfect Union?: Understanding Same-sex Marriage (DRM EPUB)

The War Diary of an English Soldier: Charles William Arnold 3rd Battalion Rifle Brigade (Paperback)

eBook: Entropy in Urban and Regional Modelling (Routledge Revivals) (DRM PDF)

eBook: Entropy in Urban and Regional Modelling (Routledge Revivals) (DRM EPUB)

Entropy in Urban and Regional Modelling (Paperback)

eBook: Catastrophe Theory and Bifurcation (Routledge Revivals): Applications to Urban and Regional Systems (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Catastrophe Theory and Bifurcation (Routledge Revivals): Applications to Urban and Regional Systems (DRM PDF)

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