Bitcoin and Blockchain: Discover the Asset that is Changing the Financial System and Profit from The Greatest Bull Run of All Time! (Paperback)
作者: Kevin Anderson 
書城編號: 24156940

原價: HK$252.00
現售: HK$239.4 節省: HK$12.6

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出版社: Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Education
出版日期: 2021/05/31
頁數: 102
尺寸: 229 x 152 x 5 mm
重量: 145 grams
ISBN: 9781803121789

If you want to master cryptocurrency trading and build wealth during the 2021 bull run, then keep reading!

Your Customers will Never Stop to Read this Amazing blockchain and crypto trading guide!

The entire world of cryptocurrency is now under the radar once again. Why? Because Bitcoin has taken the world by storm when it crossed $20,000 per BTC in December of last year. For most experienced traders it was the signal that the real bull run was starting. Immediately, as happened in 2017 a lot of people begin to improvise themselves as market wizards, even if they had never placed a trade before.

While some of them have made decent returns in the past few months, there is no doubt they are going to give them back to the market once prices stop going up. After all, there is no need to be a genius to make money when everything that claims to be a cryptocurrency goes parabolic. Most people do not know what they are doing and they will buy high and sell low. That is the unforgiving nature of the cryptocurrency market.

Profitable traders are those that can milk the market when things are good and cash out before prices begin going South.

This is why you need to learn the right trading strategies if you want to truly build long term wealth, not just make a few lousy dollars here and there.

The beauty of cryptocurrency trading is that it does not require a lot of money to get started. Why? Because volatility is so high that even a few hundred dollars can be a good starting point.

Do not worry, you will not have to spend hours and hours in front of your computer. In fact, every trading strategy presented in this book has one goal in mind: making you as much money as possible while freeing up your time!

It is time to milk the market like a cash cow!

Get this blockchain and cryptocurrency trading guide for your customers today!

Kevin Anderson 作者作品表

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eBook: Political Sociology of Twenty-First Century Revolutions and Resistances: From the Arab World and Iran to Africa, Ukraine and France (DRM PDF)

eBook: My Thoughts (DRM EPUB)

My Thoughts (Paperback)

eBook: My Thoughts (DRM EPUB)

Climbing Olympus (Hardcover)

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