World Classics Library: Henry James: The Portrait of a Lady, The Turn of the Screw, Washington Square (Hardcover)
作者: Henry James 
系列: Arcturus World Classics Library
分類: Classic fiction (pre c 1945)  
書城編號: 24161399

原價: HK$238.00
現售: HK$226.1 節省: HK$11.9

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出版社: Arcturus Publishing Ltd
出版日期: 2021/07/30
頁數: 736
尺寸: 166 x 245 x 44 mm
重量: 1046 grams
ISBN: 9781838573881

Arcturus World Classics Library

World Classics Library: Henry James: The Portrait of a Lady, The Turn of the Screw, Washington Square (Hardcover)

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eBook: World Classics Library: Plato: The Republic, Charmides, Meno, Gorgias, Parmenides, Symposium, Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Phaedo (DRM EPUB)

eBook: World Classics Library: Homer: The Illiad and The Odyssey (DRM EPUB)

eBook: World Classics Library: Mark Twain: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Prince and the Pauper (DRM EPUB)

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eBook: World Classics Library: Nietzsche: Thus Spake Zarathustra, Ecce Homo, Beyond Good and Evil (DRM EPUB)

World Classics Library: H. G. Wells: The War of the Worlds, The Invisible Man, The First Men in the Moon, The Time Machine (Hardcover)

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Henry James 作者作品表

On Writers and Writing: Selected Essays (Paperback)

The Wings of the Dove, Volume II (Paperback)

The Golden Bowl (Paperback)

The Portrait of a Lady, Volume 1 (Paperback)

The Portrait of a Lady, Volume 2 (Paperback)

eBook: Beast in the Jungle (mp3 zips)

The Turn of the Screw (Paperback)

"Henry James Novella Collection: The Turn of the Screw, Daisy Miller, The Beast In The Jungle, The Pupil, The Aspern Papers, The Figure In The Carpet,

The Aspern Papers (Paperback)

"The Turn of the Screw and Other Stories (The Turn of the Screw, Washington Square, Madame De Mauves, The Romance of Certain Old Clothes & The Ghostly

The Turn of the Screw (Paperback)

The Beast in the Jungle (Paperback)

Daisy Miller (Paperback)

Washington Square (Paperback)

Madame de Mauves (Paperback)

eBook: Daisy Miller (mp3 zips)

eBook: Turn of the Screw (mp3 zips)

eBook: Washington Square (mp3 zips)

The Turn Of The Screw(Illustrated) (Paperback)

The Complete Letters of Henry James: 1888-1891: Volume 1 (Hardcover)

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