Multinational Enterprises and Host Economies (Hardcover)
作者: Klaus E. Meyer 
系列: The Globalization of the World Economy series
書城編號: 24183356

售價: $7700.00

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出版社: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd
出版日期: 2008/12/28
頁數: 1248
尺寸: 244 x 169 mm
ISBN: 9781847206473

Multinational enterprises (MNEs) invest in a variety of host economies, and closely interact with local businesses and society at large. This role has become the focus of policy debates of all sorts, as MNEs are seen as a primary conduit of globalization, thus spreading both its benefits and its negative side effects.
The Globalization of the World Economy series

Chinese Outward Foreign Direct Investment (Hardcover)

Globalization and Culture (Hardcover)

Globalization and Transport (Hardcover)

Globalization and the Global Factory (Hardcover)

The Globalization of Retailing (Hardcover)

Multinational Enterprises and Host Economies (Hardcover)

Globalization and Productivity (Hardcover)

Globalization and Poverty (Hardcover)

Global Supply Chain Management (Hardcover)

Critical Perspectives on Globalization (Hardcover)

Globalization and Economic and Financial Instability (Hardcover)

Globalization and the Location of Firms (Hardcover)

Privatization and Globalization: The Changing Role of the State in Business (Hardcover)

SMEs in the Age of Globalization (Hardcover)

Governing the Global Environment (Hardcover)

Globalization and Labour Markets (Hardcover)

The Globalization of Business Firms from Emerging Economies (Hardcover)

Foreign Direct Investment and Technological Change (Hardcover)

Trade and Investment Policy (Hardcover)

The Globalization of Financial Services (Hardcover)

... [顯示此系列所有商品]

Klaus E. Meyer 作者作品表

Multinational Enterprises and Emerging Economies (Hardcover)

eBook: Multinational Enterprises and Emerging Economies (DRM PDF)

Multinational Enterprises and Host Economies (Hardcover)

Direct Investment in Economies in Transition (Hardcover)

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