The Essential Marilyn Monroe - The Negligee Print: Milton H. Greene: 50 Sessions (Mixed media product)
作者: Joshua Greene 
分類: Conservation, restoration & care of artworks ,
Individual photographers ,
Photographs: collections ,
Individual actors & performers  
書城編號: 24188903

原價: HK$21000.00
現售: HK$19950 節省: HK$1050

購買此書 10本或以上 9折, 60本或以上 8折

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版社: Acc Art Books
出版日期: 2017/09/27
頁數: 372
尺寸: 355 x 355 mm
ISBN: 9781851498789

This deluxe edition, numbered to only 250 copies, produced with the highest quality paper and cloth binding, and packaged in a clamshell presentation case, contains a letter of authenticity from the Milton Greene estate as well as a print from the 'Negligee Sitting'.
Joshua Greene 作者作品表

iOS Test-Driven Development (Second Edition): Learn Real-World Test-Driven Development (Paperback)

The Essential Marilyn Monroe - Deluxe: Milton H. Greene: 50 Sessions (Hardcover)

Essential Marilyn Monroe (Hardcover)

The Essential Marilyn Monroe - The Bed Print: Milton H. Greene: 50 Sessions (Mixed media product)

The Essential Marilyn Monroe - The Negligee Print: Milton H. Greene: 50 Sessions (Mixed media product)

Essential Marilyn Monroe (Hardcover)

eBook: Justice at Dachau: The Trials of an American Prosecutor (DRM EPUB)

Justice at Dachau (Paperback)

Moral Tribes (Paperback)

Moral Tribes (B-Trade Pbk)

Moral Tribes (Hardcover)

eBook: Moral Tribes (DRM EPUB)

Moral Tribes: Emotion, Reason, and the Gap Between Us and Them (hardcover)

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