Mad for Math: Make Space for Geometry (Paperback)
作者: Mattia Crivellini 
系列: Mad for Math
分類: Educational: Mathematics & numeracy  
書城編號: 24261460

原價: HK$98.00
現售: HK$93.1 節省: HK$4.9

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出版社: White Star
出版日期: 2020/04/30
頁數: 56
尺寸: 210 x 295 x 10 mm
重量: 374 grams
ISBN: 9788854416345

Geometry has never been funnier! Green, funny aliens will help children to master the knowledge of shapes, formulas and figures. A new, entertaining activity book to challenge young readers joins the worldwide successful "Mad for Math" series with a collection of fun games based on geometry - which can really be fun!
Mad for Math

Cooking by Numbers: Multiplication and Division (Paperback)

Numbers & Graphs (Mad For Math) (Paperback)

An Ocean of Calculations (Paperback)

The Times Table Factory (Paperback)

Mad for Math: Make Space for Geometry (Paperback)

Mad For Math: Become a Monster at Mathematics (Paperback)

Mad For Math: Navigate The High Seas! Maths Adventures Using Fractions, Percentages and Decimal Numbers (Paperback)

Mattia Crivellini 作者作品表

Optical Illusions (Library Binding)

Optical Illusions (Paperback)

Magnetism and Electricity (Library Binding)

Magnetism and Electricity (Paperback)

Light and Colors (Library Binding)

Light and Colors (Paperback)

The Chemistry of Disgusting Things (Library Binding)

The Chemistry of Disgusting Things (Paperback)

Let's Experiment (Paperback)

Let's Experiment (Library Binding)

Optical Illusions: Let's Experiment! (Hardcover)

Electricity and Magnetism: Let's Experiment! (Hardcover)

Mad for Math: Make Space for Geometry (Paperback)

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