The New Dash Diet Cookbook for Beginners: Stер Bу Step Guіdе To The Dash Diet (Paperback)
作者: Mark Williams 
書城編號: 24262828

原價: HK$2310.00
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出版社: Mark Williams
出版日期: 2021/06/17
頁數: 120
尺寸: 229 x 152 x 6 mm
重量: 172 grams
ISBN: 9789018215040


The New Dash Diet Cookbook for Beginners

Your Customers Never Stop to Use this Awesome Book!

Do you want to wake up every morning excited to face a new day? Are you sick of food plans that deprive you of tasty foods and that don't work?

I know that this is not going to be your first diet book ever read. Probably you've already read tens of them. You also watched hundreds of podcasts, TV shows, and so on...

But if you are here, I assume you haven't found your solution yet. And I am about to give you one...

This is one of the few women lifestyle opportunities that many, even modern medicine doctors, recommend. And it's called - " THE DASH DIET" - a lifestyle that will attack your high blood pressure and body fat like crazy and will free your body and your mind from that cage you are living in right now and have been for many years before - and we will do that in the most delicious way possible!

Take a look at what's inside:

- Why DASH DIET is so effective, and what results can you expect once you start applying it to your own lifestyle?

- What to eat and what to avoid? (there are specific foods that can literally skyrocket your blood pressure even if you do everything else right!)

- Obvious and Secret Benefits of The Dash Lifestyle? (you'll be surprised how practical and valuable this lifestyle can be)

- How to lose weight on the Dash Diet? (don't expect fast results! If you are here to lose 5 pounds in 2 days, this diet is not for you. We are aiming for long term, healthy and safe progress)

- Side dishes, desserts, snacks, vegan and vegetarian food options for specific needs and to keep you full in between meals or during the day (make sure you never feel hungry again when losing weight!)

- Much much more...

And you don't have to be a world-class chef to cook all these amazing, low-sodium, healthy and delicious meals.

Buy it Now and let your customers get addicted to this amazing book!

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