Learn to Read Box (Paperback)
作者: Todd Parr 
分類: Educational: English language: readers & reading schemes ,
Designed for home learning  
書城編號: 24317325

原價: HK$180.00
現售: HK$171 節省: HK$9

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出版社: Little Brown & Co Inc
出版日期: 2022/07/12
ISBN: 9780316286510

Set your Kindergarten or First Grade child on the path to reading success with this playful, full-color set of 10 readers (Guided Reading Levels A and B).

This boxed set includes 10 brand-new stories written by Todd Parr and educational expert Liza Charlesworth. Using Todd's signature silliness and bold colors, this boxed set has been carefully crafted to be the perfect learning tool for new readers.

These books are so much fun that your child will delight in reading them with you and--in short order--to you.

This set maximizes reading growth and boosts early comprehension by featuring:
-must-know sight words
-repetitive, "predictable" text
-short sentences
-pictures clues
-vibrant illustrations

-5 Level A stories: Great Hair!, Be Kind to Animals, Pig and Dog, We Can Share, and See the Baby
-5 Level B stories: Super Stars!, I Love Colors!, Good Night, Farm, Funny Foods, and Ocean Count
-A parent guide with tips for before, during, and after reading
-A sturdy case

Todd Parr 作者作品表

You Will Always Have Me (Hardcover)

The Goodbye Book / El Libro del Adiós (Paperback)

It's Okay to Be Different / Está Bien Ser Diferente (Mass Market Paperbound)

The ABC Book: Write + Wipe (hardcover)

The Birthday Book (hardcover)

Love the World (hardcover)

The Kindness Book (Hardcover)

The Cars and Trucks Book (Hardcover)

Thankful Book (Hardcover)

I Love the Earth (hardcover)

I'm Not Scared Book (Hardcover)

Be Who You are (Hardcover)

Teachers Rock! (Hardcover)

Mommy Book (Hardcover)

The Goodbye Book (hardcover)

Daddy Book (Hardcover)

Otto Goes to the Beach (Trade Paperback)

The I LOVE YOU Book (Board Book)

Animals in Underwear ABC (Board Book)

Doggy Kisses 123 (Board Book)

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