Good Morning Mothers (Paperback)
作者: Sabrina Young 
書城編號: 24356778

售價: $90.00

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出版社: Univ Of Arizona Egyptian Exped
出版日期: 2022/03/04
重量: 0.05 kg
ISBN: 9780578386478

This is a thirty-day scripture devotional with encouraging words, expounding on scripture for mothers going through healing. Sabrina Young was born in the city of Bartow, Florida. She was raised in the city of Winter Haven, Florida by her grandmother, along with her three siblings. Sabrina is a single mother of five children (two girls and three boys) and also has three lovely grandchildren. During each of her pregnancies, she was incarcerated for a short period of time. She was involved in a case under the Department of Children and Family throughout her last time of incarceration. After being free for fifteen years, she was inspired to teach parenting classes to women who are incarcerated. Her heart desires to help mothers to face and fight through their encounters to live a healed life.

Sabrina Young 作者作品表

A Mother's Cry The Anthology (Vol. 3): Living Through It (Paperback)

A Mother's Cry The Anthology (Vol. 2): Graced For The Cry (Paperback)

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