Creating Cultures of Belonging: Cultivating Organizations Where Women and Men Thrive (Paperback)
作者: Beth Birmingham 
分類: Christianity  
書城編號: 24443874

原價: HK$210.00
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出版社: Inter Varsity Pr
出版日期: 2022/10/18
ISBN: 9780830839162


With increasing interest from donors and board members to see faith-based, missional organizations reflect the diversity of God's kingdom, these organizations desire to have women in positions of leadership. However, this proves difficult when the organizational culture is one that silences and even penalizes the unique giftings that women bring to the table.

Many organizations still lack the ability to embody a new culture-what Beth Birmingham and Eeva Simard call a belonging culture. Such a culture is one where all employees are secure and recognized, where leaders seek productivity and connectivity, and where the organization is committed to supporting a diverse community of employees.

Creating Cultures of Belonging offers solutions for leadership teams, board members, and managers that reshape organizational culture in ways that invite and celebrate gender equity. With practical steps to enhance mentorship opportunities, human resources practices, and management tactics, Beth and Eeva point a way forward by identifying the changes that need to be made to create a belonging culture.

Beth Birmingham 作者作品表

Creating Cultures of Belonging: Cultivating Organizations Where Women and Men Thrive (MP3 CD)

Creating Cultures of Belonging: Cultivating Organizations Where Women and Men Thrive (Compact Disc)

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