Hindi: An Essential Grammar (0002) (Hardcover)
作者: Rama Kant Agnihotri 
分類: Language teaching & learning material & coursework ,
書城編號: 24444225

售價: $1890.00

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出版社: Routledge Chapman Hall
出版日期: 2022/09/20
ISBN: 9781032163024


Hindi: An Essential Grammar is a practical reference guide to the core structures and features of modern Hindi. Assuming no prior knowledge of Hindi grammar, this book avoids jargon and overly technical language as it takes the student through the complexities of Hindi grammar in short, readable sections.

Suitable for either independent study or for students in schools, colleges, universities and adult education classes, key features include:

  • Full examples throughout in both Devanagari and Roman script with a gloss in English
  • Glossary of technical terms and detailed subject index
  • Cross referencing between sections
  • Authentic material provided in the appendix demonstrating grammar usage

Hindi: An Essential Grammar will help students, in both formal and non-formal education and of all levels to read, speak and write the language with greater confidence and accuracy.

The revised edition rectifies the printing errors inadvertently made in the first edition; it also further clarifies several other issues including Hindi word order flexibility, compound nouns, ergativity, pronominal usage and polite communication.

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