Field of Play: 60 Years of NFL Photography (Hardcover)
作者: Michael Zagaris 
分類: Photographic reportage ,
Sports & outdoor recreation ,
American football  
書城編號: 24466554

原價: HK$800.00
現售: HK$760 節省: HK$40

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出版社: Cameron Books
出版日期: 2022/10/04
ISBN: 9781951836764
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Field of Play is a striking celebration of decades of unparalleled access to the NFL by a critically acclaimed sports photojournalist.

For the past 60 years, Michael Zagaris has taken his camera behind the scenes of the NFL, capturing the moments that define America's game. With unparalleled access--42 Super Bowls, 49 seasons as team photographer for the San Francisco 49ers, and a behind-the-scenes passport to the rest of the NFL--Zagaris takes his aim beyond the field and to the locker room, the bench, the practices, and the training camps. His intimate portraits convey the nerves, the tension, the pain, and the elation with emotional depth and the clarity of a longtime insider.

With contributions from celebrated Hall of Famers Joe Montana, Ronnie Lott, and Fred Biletnikoff, as well as text from renowned sportswriter Steve Cassady and sociologist Dr. Harry Edwards, Field of Play highlights Zagaris's storied career as a photographer, showcasing the irresistible force of football and celebrates its enduring presence.

Includes Color Photographs

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