Level 5 - Doug's Bugs (British edition) (Paperback)
作者: Jane Clarke 
系列: Collins Peapod Readers
書城編號: 24587658

原價: HK$70.00
現售: HK$66.5 節省: HK$3.5

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出版社: HarperCollins Publishers
出版日期: 2020/10/15
頁數: 32
尺寸: 210 x 148 x 3 mm
重量: 80 grams
ISBN: 9780008397432

Inspire a love of reading with stories that are written from a child's perspective and will encourage children to discover the world around them. With audio and activities, Peapod Readers are the perfect start to a child's journey into learning English.
Collins Peapod Readers

Level 3 - Fun in the Sun (American edition) (Paperback)

Level 3 - Why do I feel bad? (American edition) (Paperback)

Level 4 - A Lot of Spots! (American edition) (Paperback)

Level 4 - Who put that there? (American edition) (Paperback)

Level 3 - Meg Finds an Egg (American edition) (Paperback)

Level 1 - Big Head! (American edition) (Paperback)

Level 3 - The Animal Party (British edition) (Paperback)

Level 5 - Jim and the Monster Party (British edition) (Paperback)

Level 3 - But it's a School Day, Mack! (British edition) (Paperback)

Level 5 - Can you be our donkey? (British edition) (Paperback)

Level 3 - Happy Birthday, Mum! (British edition) (Paperback)

Level 3 - We Are Great! (British edition) (Paperback)

Level 5 - Doug's Bugs (British edition) (Paperback)

Level 3 - But I Love my Clothes (British edition) (Paperback)

Level 3 - Well Done, Ivy! (British edition) (Paperback)

Level 3 - On the Road (British edition) (Paperback)

Level 5 - Not Again, Ivy! (British edition) (Paperback)

Level 5 - How do we know about the weather? (British edition) (Paperback)

Level 5 - Everyone Falls Down! (British edition) (Paperback)

Level 3 - A Plane for Zane (British edition) (Paperback)

... [顯示此系列所有商品]

Jane Clarke 作者作品表

Creaky Castle (Reissue, 2024) (Paperback)

Windfall: Irish Nature Poems to Inspire and Connect (Hardcover)

Select Portions of Psalms and Hymns Set to Music: With the Thorough Basses Carefully Arranged for the Organ or Pianoforte, as Sung at Oxford, Welbeck,

Small Person's Guide to Grandmas (Paperback)

Neon Leon (Updated Edition) (Paperback)

eBook: Change in the Air (DRM EPUB)

Tiptoe Tiger (Hardcover)

Lottie Loves Nature: Hedgehog Surprise (Paperback)

Small Person's Guide to Grandmas (Hardcover)

Tiptoe Tiger (Paperback)

eBook: Al's Awesome Science: Busy Bodies (DRM PDF)

eBook: Al's Awesome Science: Egg-speriments! (DRM PDF)

eBook: Al's Awesome Science: Splash Down! (DRM PDF)

eBook: Al's Awesome Science: Blast-off! (DRM PDF)

eBook: Lottie Loves Nature: Bird Alert (DRM PDF)

Lottie Loves Nature: Bird Alert (Paperback)

Tiptoe Tiger (Hardcover)

Level 1 - Big Head! (American edition) (Paperback)

Level 3 - Fun in the Sun (American edition) (Paperback)

Level 3 - Meg Finds an Egg (American edition) (Paperback)

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