The Beauty and Grace In Forgiveness (Hardcover)
作者: Lady Fannie Mae 
書城編號: 24589874

原價: HK$200.00
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出版社: Two Harbors
出版日期: 2022/07/11
重量: 0.25 kg
ISBN: 9781662847486

There are times in life where everyone must journey through the wilderness. It is never easy and evil forces lurk within every shadow, feeding off of one's vulnerability and fear. These journeys, however, are given for a purpose. Perhaps it is to teach an important lesson or is meant to strengthen one's resolve. Whatever the takeaway is, one is never alone. Fannie Mae Houser had to endure a challenging wilderness when her husband suddenly moved his family from New York to Florida. Not only were Houser and their three children forced to live in a place they did not know, she also discovered that her husband was having an affair. The man of God she had married had been seduced by the temptations of the Devil. He abandoned his family to be with his mistress, forcing Houser and their children to face a life of struggle and uncertainty. The Beauty and Grace in Forgiveness is Houser's inspiring true story of how rather than grieving for something she tried yet could not control, she surrendered everything to God. Through struggles finding work that would provide financially to wearing a mask of strength for her children she did not possess to fighting for child support from a deceiver, she discovered peace and forgiveness as her journey progressed. "There is truly an omniscience and omnipresent God who I know, without a shadow of a doubt, carried me when I could not walk, protected me when I was so afraid, and taught me that forgiveness liberates the heart and destroys all of the toxins of hate." Houser has shared her powerful testimony to let everyone who is suffering know that life is not over and that if they put all of their trust into God's Word, they will discover the hidden treasure of forgiveness!
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